lpm umm magelang | Juli 21, 2009 | 05.44 wib | Label: Event and News

Borobudur Indonesia Artist Community (KSBI) held an art exhibition with title “The King”. The exhibition is a series of Borobudur International Festival (BIF) was held 15-20 July 2009 in the Lumbini Park, the eastern foot of Borobudur temple.

According to the Chairman of the General KSBI Umar Khusaeni, the exhibition feature as a reflection the soul of leadership from every person. Besides from political issues, this is purely a work of art.

Leadership is personal, it’s not only about them have a power, we reflect it trough art in exhibition in the open space with title “The King”, he said

According to him, this is a bunch BFI held Provincial Government of Central Java with concentrated at the borobudur complex on 16-20 July 2009. however, KSBI make a committee separated with committee BFI on this art exhibition.

It’s around 150 artists such as painter, artist, and musicians from many cities will join in exhibition of The King. Various work will appear to society including tourist Borobudur temple for example paintings, art installation, performance art, sculpture, music collaboration, and poetry readings.
“The artists come from several cities for example Yogyakarta, Jakarta, Bandung, Solo, Surabaya, some original Japanese artists have been confirmed to enliven our exhibition,” he said.

According to the plan, the exhibition “The King” opened by Cultural Remy Sylado, everyone has different perception about the character of leadership.

“When our talk about leadership, it can be symbolize with The King figure. Borobudur temple as the biggest temle in the world could be as a symbol of leadership. This exhibition is a part of appreciation from artists about leadership,” he said.

Dynamics of tourism at the Borobudur Temple, Magelang, Central Java will be a significant buffer of the future Indonesia economy, said President Commissioner of PT Taman Wisata Candi Borobudur, Prambanan and Ratu Boko, SD Dharmono.

Im possible to chop the forest, dig mines, drain the sea to create the economic growth of Indonesia, because it will be lost, he said while speaking in meeting national leaders at the University of Tidar Magelang, in Magelang.

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